The Internet Blackout was interesting…

Yesterday, during the  internet blackout my email box was very, very quiet.

On thing in particular was missing… SPAM

Yep, folks not one piece of SPAM clogged my email.

I”ve become so accustomed to the continuos avalanche of SPAM that I thought something was wrong with my email.

It reminded me of the infamous “Day without a Mexican” in Los Angeles of several years ago. That was a day when all or a majority of Mexicans stayed home in protest of something or other. In their case the protest kind of backfired.

The traffic in LA was a breeze, no-one was having to dodge flying debris from gardening trucks on the freeways, there were no car fires, fewer accidents, and fewer broken down cars on the side of the road (or in traffic lanes.)

The next day traffic returned to it’s normal screwed up mess and everyone was asking for more days without mexicans, La Raza was NOT pleased.

This morning my email box has the usual amount of SPAM. The online drugstores, Teens who want to show me their tits, and the Letters from bankers telling me that distant relatives in Kenya have died are all keeping my Junk Mail filters busy again.

However, if I have to choose between SOPA and censorship OR SPAM… I’ll take the SPAM any day.

SOPA & PIPA Are dangerous Fight BACK

Censorship is one of those things that we all say is bad. Yet we engage in censorship every day. We choose what we want to see & hear, we choose what our children see and hear too.

This kind of normal censorship is reasonable and in fact demonstrates our ability to be responsible for our actions

Small groups protesting each other CENSOR each other by one group shouting louder than the other. In recent years, a new tool has been added to the small group Censorship tool box… It’s the single word RACIST! Even in this situation we accept that tempers flare and even appreciate the passionate expression of someones differing beliefs.

We know that we can, if we choose look up both sides of a protest and we can evaluate and decide for ourselves whose opinion we agree with. The news media will present both sides in an unbiased way. We can read about the protest in the newspaper and have all the facts laid out before us.

CAN we?

Do we really trust the talking heads on TV? Do we really believe what is printed in the news paper?

I think the answer is more often than not NO! Part of the wonder of the internet aside from giving voice to every village idiot, is that we also get information. Tons of it, sometimes completely unfiltered.

That unfiltered, un-sanitized news is often our best insight into the truth of a situation. In our country our freedoms are highly dependent on a free flow of information from all sources.

Which brings us to…

Get the point?
You can find the contact information for your Representative HERE Click on your state, then find your representative and call them.

I can’t believe it… I actually agree with Rick Perry about something.

This is very scary, I agree with Rick Perry.

Did my apocalypse pager go off and I missed it? Nope! No page and the batteries are good.

Which is to say, that like a broken clock that’s right twice a day…  Even ultra conservative candidates that I mostly disagree with can make a reasonable point.

There’s another point too. Unlike a lot of the left, I still try to listen to what people say even if I think they’re full of shit or I disagree with them so deeply that listening to their point of view is a white knuckle experience for me.

White knuckle,  not because I’m afraid… but because I want to jump out of my chair and slap the shit right out of them…

I did find it interesting that the reporter while apparently a bit to the left, allowed Mr. Perry to complete his thought and even made a reasonable observation about the ubiquitous nature of video / information flow and how it can work to our detriment.

On the other hand if our media spent nearly as much time trying to spin this minor event as exactly what it was.

1. Time honored tradition since the first proto-human bashed a rivals skull in with a rock. 2. A minor mistake by a bunch of amped up young men.

Then the world would have said “meh… so what”.


Thanks to MRCTV and for the link.

I find myself wondering how much of the lefts response is plain old penis envy?

I’d personally characterize a lot of the left (male or female) as being dickless.

I can still proudly write my name in the snow…

How about you?

The Down side of NOT being a packrat (Updated)

Several years ago, there was a bit of a disaster at my home.

The practical upshot of which is that I no longer have the copious mound of electronic flotsam and jetsam that I once had.

Contrary to popular belief that mound of shit was useful… occasionally. It was always likely that I’d have a spare part, or small widget that wasn’t available anymore. Those odd bits and pieces I used to keep other cobbled together electronics in good repair.

After the disaster… I thought fine! Everything will be brand new and I’ll have no need for a ton of spare parts.

Flash forward to this morning….

I’m prepping to take a Hike.

On my hikes I take a cell phone, some water, and my two-way radio. and a couple of other items. I’ll grant you that I probably wont need the radio, or the cell phone. But they’re in the pack just in case…

I could fall down, I could get snake bit, I could have a heart attack, I could in theory get lost. So having these bare essentials with me just insures that If I have a problem I’ll be able to at least call for help and probably be able to have my carcass dragged out of the hills before the large predators start chowing down on me.

The two-way has a tracking/beaconing function and can be set to automatically send out a distress beacon.

I pick up the radio and notice I’m missing a mounting screw. The screw holds a steel mounting bracket that stabilizes the GPS module on the top of the radio. It’s stress relief to keep the module from snapping the unit off the radio and thereby damaging the microphone/accessory connector.

This is a minor issue but the bracket and GPS should be tied together just in case. It’s not like I slam the radio around, it’s either in the backpack or it’s in my pocket.

Anyhow… I think to myself, “probably a common metric size, the radio is Japanese, I’m sure I’ve got a screw that will fit.”

Except… That I DON’T. I probably did but not anymore…

I have another way to solve the problem but it’s not permanent. I call the local radio supply folks. They don’t carry spares politely suggested that I contact the manufacturer…

I know i’m not the only guy to have dropped a screw… (Don’t get funny…) I’m sure that all the guys have just gone to their handy dandy screw [bottle, jar, drawer,] and found something that fit. Just like I was going to do.

The problem is… I’ve been working very diligently at not having a bunch of spare parts laying around because I like everything being as uncluttered as possible.

Well as of this morning…. I’m starting a screw jar!

I’m off on my hike now…


Service with a smile.

I contacted the manufacturer of my two-way (Yaesu) Monday morning. I spoke with a very nice lady who told me the screws were .93 each. I bought 10… yeah what of it? I know I’m probably going to loose it again.

The screws showed up in the mail today Wednesday 1/18/2012.

Talk about service!

I’d been looking at their other products anyway, if this experience is the way they do business… I’m always going to check out their product line first for all my future purchases.

Well done Yaesu…

And Thank You.

This is an Ooops… Not an international incident

I saw this on Joe my gods, blog. The outraged leftist comments on Joes blog prompted me to write this..

Marines have been videoed apparently urinating on dead Taliban 

I’ve got a couple of things to say about this.

Yeah, it was wrong.

Devil Dogs, I totally love you. Please, y’all need to remember that every moron has a camera up their ass these days. Be more careful in the future. What ain’t seen on TV… didn’t happen…

This doesn’t diminish that it’s kinda bad to disrespect the dead, if for no other reason than as Americans we’re supposed to have higher standards of behavior. Remember guys, Lead By Example.

On the other hand… I totally get it.

2 minutes before…. those Taliban fucks were spraying and praying. They were aiming AK-47s and whatever else they could at you and tying to kill you.

You guys put the fuckers down and did your job. You took it a little personal that those Taliban guys wanted your heads on their walls and you responded personally by pissing on ’em.

Here’s where I’m going to get into trouble with my liberal politically correct friends.


I’m so sick and tired of the liberal assholes in our country acting like our military is some kind of evil super criminal.

Lest we forget… 

(I’m not even going to mention the terrorist acts committed worldwide by
Taliban and Al Qaeda operatives. I’m not going to mention that the Taliban and Al Qaeda would happily rape a girl or young woman then Stone her to death for having been raped. Or that torture and slavery are completely fine with the Taliban and Al Qaeda… As long as they’re not on the receiving end… Nope won’t mention it at all.)

I will remind you all that these Taliban and Al Qaeda fucks have desecrated our dead repeatedly and in far more gruesome ways than pissing on the bodies. 

Our soldiers bodies have been dragged naked through the streets of (Insert name of Middle Eastern Shithole here.) decapitated and the separate body parts rigged to explode.  If the Taliban and Al Qaeda kill off American recovery teams by blowing up the bodies of fallen Americans it’s the joyous will of Allah. 

Good men and women have been defiled in any number of ways before and after, being killed by devout “peace loving” Taliban and Al Qaeda “Soldiers of God” 

Don’t forget the young man who Had His Head Sawed off… not chopped, SAWED off LIVE for the benefit of Al Jezeera video. “Slow Decapitation of a live American sent to help rebuild Iraq… Be sure to tune in at 6 and make sure the children are watching. Allah be praised.” (I know I won’t forget. After that, I had and will never have mercy for anyone in the Middle East.)  

How about a good solid reporter also beheaded because he wanted to make sure that the American Public had a first hand account of what our troops were doing at our behest. 

What about our soldiers burned and hanging from bridges in Baghdad 

FUCK the Taliban and Al Qaeda! Fuck those motherfuckers, anyone who supports them, and the camels they rode in on.

Those sons of bitches, should be thanking Allah every day that we haven’t given them nuclear power… Pointy end first that is.

My question is this…

Why does it seem that American Media invariable spins stories against our military?