Finally! I’m getting to actually do some writing…

Lately, It’s been impossible to actually get to write. It seem like I’ve been running form one crisis to another without getting a chance to breathe.

It’s the end of the week and I’m finally in a quiet place without anything on the agenda. My RAID array is rebuilding after the loss of one disk drive and it’s proving a good excuse to hang around the house.

The RAID doesn’t need me at all to complete it’s task, but it’s a great excuses for those folks that take time out of my day.

In the past week I’ve rebuilt a computer twice. Installed a new system. Installed 2 printers and helped on a 3rd, packed one printer up so that it could be returned to the factory. Not to mention having my RAID go down and updating the hell out of a netbook.

I’m beginning to feel like an IT department… Now if I could only get paid like an IT department, Oh Wait! aren’t those mostly paid in rupees these days? Humm maybe I should start answering the phone in a heavy accent… It’s a thought.

Today is mine… I’ve got some nice tunes going, a hot steamy cup of coffee and just a few phone calls to make.

Now to get back to my writing project…


That is why I’m on fewer and fewer “adult oriented” social media sites.


I hate that! I go to the trouble of creating a fairly complete profile, I specifically state who I am, my hobbies, interests, and a small bit of humorous information about me precisely so that the reader has enough to

a) Decide if they’d like to speak to me
b) Have something around which to start a conversation.


How about a complete sentence or better yet a whole thought?

Something like;

Hi there, I enjoyed reading your profile. You’re a SCUBA diver? I’m curious about it, but worry that it’s too expensive for my budget. Would you have time to give me a basic run down from your perspective?

At least there is a basis for a conversation.

Or how about a sender saying;

Dammn! you’re handsome… wanna fuck?

I could handle and respect that and at least it’s not wasting my time and burning through my patience with inane one word responses that pass as a conversation. Hell I could program my phone or computer to answer with one randomly chosen word in response to your one word “Conversation Starters”.

“what are you doing?”

This is another major time waster… how do I answer that? Would it be appropriate for me to say;

I’m taking a huge dump and wondering if I’ve got time to jerk off before I have to get dressed for that church service?

I’ve often thought about answering that way but frankly I fear the string of one or two word responses that I’d have to respond to.

I can picture something like;

“like to suck you.”
“ummm hot”

Of course if I look up the senders location it’s one extreme or the other. It’s always the sender is somewhere like Cambodia. Or the sender is 5 miles away and I when I say GREAT! Come on over I could use a blowjob. I’d like to see my cum dripping from your chin

Then suddenly, the conversation stops. Or there are endless excuses…

You know, if you’re going to say you’d like to suck my dick…

Put your mouth where my dick is!

Kind of an "OH SHIT" morning.

Was looking at the bank accounts today and thought “OH SHIT”! Time to get some income!

To that end I’ve started a more intensive jobs search. I’m leaning more toward contract positions, preferably short term contracts.

The problem is that here in California it’s a virtual wasteland.

There are some positions but almost al of them are well beyond even my 90 mile one way commuting range.

Yeah… I’m a nutjob so what?

This of course leads me once again to the thought. If I have to move INSIDE California to be close to my job… WHY not move OUT of California entirely?

Perhaps Karma, life, or the universe is sending me a message… you know something like;


Dunno, I’m a bit thick….