Wow, the Hegseth Confirmation hearing was pretty ugly.

Hegseth did well. 

The Democrats demonstrated exactly why the American People have soured on them.

Hirono, Warren, Schumer, Gillibrand, they’re all nasty and obviously going to vote NO on every single Trump nominee. They’ve been telegraphing their intentions for weeks. These people are not interested in a fair hearing, the American People, or anything other than thwarting the Trump presidency. It’s only about revenge, and the nation or people be damned.

It’s this behavior that has consistently enraged me and led me to hate every single Democrat in Congress and anywhere else in Government. They have nothing to say that I’m the least bit interested in.

That’s a problem. They’ve so turned me off that I refuse to listen to them. Everything they say is an assault to common sense and affront to my intellect. Moreover, I wouldn’t trust any of them to tell me the correct time.

It’s a problem all of us who’ve tuned these rancid douche bags out aren’t watching their slimy duplicitous behavior. Without supervision and consequences they will become more corrupt and believe and act as if they are well above the law.

I find myself in favor of arresting every democrat in congress and charging them with treason. Oh don’t worry, that’s just to start. The Republicans are not innocent either. Their time would come as the Democrats started ratting out everyone, while trying to get plea deals.

Maybe I’m overwrought. I may also be an outlier.

Except that I’ve noticed and encountered a surprising number of people expressing similar outrage at our Government in general, and the Democrats in particular.

After the way some of these Congresspeople have come at Hegseth, he’s earned more of my respect. I’d have leapt over the table and been beating the ever loving shit out of these evil fucks.

I hope he’s confirmed and after the confirmation I’d love for him to tell Hirano, “Yes, in fact I do support abortion, the retroactive abortion of my country’s enemies!”

Sen Mullin took all the hypocrites on the other side of the aisle to task in one of the most beautiful things I’ve heard lately.

Senator Mullin took the scumbag Democrats off at the knees, and it was epic.

There was one senator that asked in a sarcastic way (castigating the Democrats,) about the supposedly racist tattoo Hegseth has on his chest. It was clear the Senator wanted to rub the Democrats noses in their own shit. Hegseth has a Jerusalem cross, a symbol of Christian faith, that also is on the floor of the National Cathedral, and appeared on Jimmy Carter’s funeral program.

The News media and the Democrats tried to spin this as some kind of white supremacist shit. These people have already managed to make virtually every single Norse symbol associated with racists and white supremacists. Now they’re working on Christian Symbols.

Jerusalem Cross the Cross of Jerusalem Meaning Symbolism and Origins.The Senator asked the question so that Hegseth could explain the symbols origin, that it was on the floor of the National Cathedral, and that the source of the supposed scandal stemmed from 2020 when Hegseth was disqualified from protection detail for the inauguration of Joe Biden. He was disqualified because someone thought the tattoo was racist, and instead of anyone actually looking it up, the military sent him home.

I hope Hegseth is approved and look forward to him cleaning house and making our military strong again.

Our military should make our enemies shit themselves, not be the source of bad trans jokes.

Then again, I’m Old School.

I made it through another anniversary

Two years ago last night, Jerry died. So did a big piece of my heart. Oh, he was a pain in my ass, I suppose I was a pain in his as well. I guess that’s part of relationships. We loved each other and I miss him.

I was a little emotional through the day. I walked the dog, finished de-christmassing the house, made dinner, poured myself a drink and listened to music. I went to bed about the normal time and slept soundly. I do remember some fragments of dreams but nothing coherent.

I didn’t drink to excess. I woke up more or less in a decent mood. 

I haven’t gotten anything much done today. I played on X too damn much. I’m willing to forgive myself for that.

I need to settle down, and to apply for a bunch of jobs. I doubt that I’ll get much if any response. But I feel like I have to try.

As I said, the Christmas tree and associated decorations are all put away. I was able to dispose of a box through consolidation. Going through the decorations was bittersweet.

I have sweet memories of the Christmases Jerry & I spent together.

Each ornament is special and since many of them were saved from the house fire in 2008 there is a greater significance to each.

The house is clean, (except the office,) the amount of stuff remaining to be tossed feels never-ending but I know I’m making progress.

The living, dining, kitchen, and master bedroom are less cluttered. They could all use more de-cluttering but these areas are lighter and more airy. I like it this way.

There is still much to do, and much to get rid of, but where I’m at and the direction I’m moving feels right and good.

The point is, this year while a bit rocky was better than last year. I’m better now and while I still miss him, it’s not the kind of pain it was. I’m stronger and somewhat optimistic.

Perhaps I’m trending toward happy?


They shoot looters don’t they?

Los angeles fire.LA officials seem shocked and dismayed that looting is happening in evacuation zones.

Really? These folks allowed essentially lawlessness for the past, what… 6-8 years, now they’re shocked that it’s become “Normal”?

Listening to the LA Officials, I’m angry that they’re not addressing making policy & procedural changes to make sure something like this never happens again.

Chief Luna is the only one who seems to be making sense. He’s arresting looters.

Personally, I think looters should just be shot. Save everyone the time and trouble of trials and all that crap. Plus it provides a great object lesson about leaving other people’s shit alone.

On the news this morning KTLA interviewed a  lady who said she witnessed amidst her evacuating her family, folks were driving up in cars, then running up to neighbors doors. She thought they were helping people evacuate. Turns out it was looters taking advantage of the chaos to steal shit.


There’s not enough punishment for that kind of behavior. 

I suppose the looters could be staked out on the lawns of the homes they were looting. You know, let the fire gods decide their guilt or innocence.

That’s why there are some people who will not evacuate their homes when asked to do so. They’re afraid that they’ll come home to the place being ransacked and robbed with zero leads or hope of getting their stuff back.

That puts firefighters and police in danger protecting people who remain in harms way.

I guess that’s why I’m kind of a zero tolerance policy guy on the matter of looting.

Even here, when the whole town was evacuated, there were looters who got arrested. This town is maybe 4000 people. Most of whom are middle class, (or were before Biden took office,) we don’t have tons of nice stuff. Yet we had looters trying to steal what we did have.

I suppose I get really angry about looting because it’s like the looters are kicking people when they’re down. It’s not fair, and cruel when you think about it.