Are you shitting me?

The UN, and others are demanding a cease fire between Israel and Palestine. 

A cease fire??? What? The IDF hasn’t moved in to clean out the vermin of Hamas.israel hamas war 1.jpg

Cease Fire??? Oh HELL NO!

I’m looking forward to every single structure in Gaza being razed to the ground. I want bodies of Hamas floating out into the Mediterranean as they’re shot trying to escape the righteous vengeance of Israel. Let ‘em feed the sharks!

No prisoners, No mercy, No ceasefire, until every single element of Hamas has been put down like the rabid vermin they are.

These Hamas fuckers are already in tunnels, those tunnels should become their graves.

As the media keeps spinning this as a humanitarian issue for the Palestinians, I can’t feel any sympathy. Ohhh poor babies… their internet and cell service is down. Ohhh poor babies they’re running out of fuel and the power is off. Ohhh they have no water to bathe with. SO FUCKING WHAT?!?

Better than half the Palestinians support Hamas. They celebrated the massacre of 1400 Israeli civilians. They laughed at the murder of babies in their cribs. They are complicit in the crimes of Hamas. They should share in the punishment.

There was one report that said the average IQ in Gaza was 67. I haven’t verified this report but if it’s true… you know what? These people are never going to contribute anything to humanity. No great loss.

I respect the IDF trying to preserve life. That amazes me considering what happened. I think that their efforts will go unacknowledged. The very people they’re trying to save will turn on them at the first opportunity. But I respect that the IDF is trying to do the right thing.

There may come a time when the IDF has to abandon their higher principles when or if that happens, I will still support Israel. 

Oh and Iran… FUCK YOU!IranAmbasto UN.png

I don’t like being threatened.

I’d happily walk into the UN general council and tell the Iranian Foreign Minister, “given their proxies attacks on US facilities that technically a state of war exists.

I’d love to be the guy who then asked the Iranian Foreign Minister to try to call home… I’d love to deliver that message to the Iranian Foreign Minister while Tehran was already under attack and being bombed into oblivion. The video of his expression should be televised worldwide as he realizes that that his home is gone, and he’ll never see his homeland again.

I think it’s time for us to really make the point to the entire fucking world.

Americans are sick and tired of being fucked over, 

I don’t like war, it’s a waste of resources. War is a failure of diplomacy. 

But it’s become clear that appeasement is not going to work, diplomacy will not work with a culture that will never honor any treaties or agreements.

This leaves only one option. War

The war should only end, when what’s left of the enemy is literally on their knees on broken glass begging for mercy and their lives.

Israel Palestinians New York 14 1698457549605 1698457572798All you fucking morons protesting for Palestinian “Freedom” in the streets of New York, and other major cities. I’m totally for letting you parachute right into Gaza. If you love the Palestinian animals of Hamas, then join them.

If you survive, perhaps you can provide useful instruction on how much Hamas hates any Americans. They don’t care if you’re protesting to support them, they’ll kill you right along with someone in the IDF.

You’re nothing but useful idiots that cause disruption, and spread hate in your home country.

You know…

Sometimes my mind runs in strange directions.

I was thinking about Biden’s reactions to the Maui fire and wondering why our government doesn’t redirect some of the Billions of dollars that we’re sending to Ukraine, to Maui to patch up their hurt.

Biden’s “NO COMMENT” response kinda pissed me off.

Then I thought about the Biden Family involvement with both Ukraine and Russia. I started wondering.

Is the Russia Ukraine war nothing but a big SCAM?

I know people have been killed, & there’s been a lot of damage. That doesn’t mean that Putin and Zelenskyy didn’t sit down at a Swiss Ski resort and say, “Now that Biden is The US President, and we know he’s an idiot, we know his vice President is a moron, and that they have surrounded themselves with sycophants. Perhaps we could go to ‘war’ and the idiot Americans would send us lots of money in aid. We could make a lot of the money ‘disappear’ and grow very very rich.”

Putin and Zelenskyy have demonstrated time and again that they are brutal dictators who no doubt would consider all the deaths “Acceptable Losses”. Especially if you’re talking billions of dollars, even after kicking back 10% to the Biden Family.

We know that a lot of the cash has vanished. The equipment could easily be sold on the black market for decent money.

I don’t know if that’s what’s going on, but I could sure see it happening.

Ukraine gets some renovation, the Russian army gets live fire exercises, Putin & Zelenskyy get filthy RICH and perhaps retire to Malta.

Well, lost another friendly acquaintance today…

No they didn’t die.

We were riding in my car and happened to pass by a F*&K BIDEN sign.

My passenger muttered, “fucking Trumper.”

I chuckled then asked, “What makes you think that household is a Trump household?”

My Passenger replied, “That Fuck Biden sign.”

I pointed out that simply not liking Biden doesn’t mean someone is automatically pro-Trump. It could just as easily be a commentary on the job Biden has done in the past 18 months.

“Nah, Biden is so much better than Trump”, my passenger said.

I posited this, “If you remove emotion about Trump from the equation entirely and evaluate only Biden’s performance. Are you better off now, 18 months after Biden took office than you were prior to Biden taking office?”

That got my passenger thinking, but they didn’t reply.

I continued, “For example, The day Biden took office, one of my small 401Ks was worth 17K, almost double what the original investment was. Today that 401K is worth 12K. So in 18 months The Biden Administration policies have disrupted the economy sufficiently that I’ve lost almost all the gains. Even during COVID at the tail end of 2019 and through 2020 that 401K investment continued to gain in value.”

My passenger retorted, ” Well COVID hurt the entire country.”

I replied, “To be sure, COVID did have an effect. But why has that effect catalyzed in the first 18 months of The Biden Administration? Further why has the economy faltered so dramatically? Why are we looking at a recession? Why has the supply chain not recovered? Why have base fuel prices, not just gasoline, but diesel and other petroleum goods risen so dramatically? The previous Administration had one full year of COVID as has the Current Administration.”

My passenger said, “Well Trump made a mess of the government and Biden is fixing it. That is going to take time.”

I said, “Okay, then by your logic Trump somehow screwed up the government and the economy, effectively creating a house of cards waiting to fall, that Biden needed to fix?”

“Well yeah,” my passenger said.

I offered, “There are two ways to deal with a house of cards. One is to tear it down and start over, the other way is to leave it the hell alone.”

“So you’re a Trumper?” My passenger asked.

“Nope. I’m a fucking realist! If you don’t understand something, don’t fuck with it! That’s one of the more simple rules of life. If the Biden Administration didn’t understand whatever machinations Trump may or may not have put in the government, they shouldn’t have started hacking away at them. Beyond that, I’m very concerned that our country has gotten to the point that simply being critical of Biden elicits the assumption that whoever is speaking critically of The President, must automatically be a Trumper. That kind of polarized thinking is exactly the kind of thinking that leads to civil wars, or violence in the streets.”

My passenger said, “There can’t be a civil war here.”

“Oh? Why not?” I asked making a right turn.

“The military is controlled by The President. He wouldn’t allow a civil war to happen,” came my passenger’s reply.

I replied, “That, by definition, would be a civil war. Just FYI… The US military, and I don’t have exact numbers, is probably outnumbered 30 to 1, or more by able bodied, and armed, people of the United States. Some units may stand down in the face of an illegal order to fire on the very people they exist to protect. The Biden Administration giving such an order would likely cause chaos in the ranks, resulting in more units standing down as they questioned whether they were serving The Constitution, and The Republic, or a dictatorship. The practical upshot would be that their effectiveness would be further reduced. Also consider our military is very effective in a wide variety of engagements. But our military and in fact, most militaries fall short in urban / guerrilla warfare. Vietnam and Afghanistan underscore that point nicely. Generally speaking, the people of the United States would have the home turf advantage, since it is unlikely US Military units would be locals to the areas they’d be called in to quell.”

“They’d have to follow orders,” my passenger said.

“Or what? They’d be shot by their own comrades? Imprisoned? Either way their effectiveness would be reduced, and the rage of cold, hungry, broke, homeless citizens would be further inflamed at the atrocity being committed in their name. It’s a no win scenario for The Biden Administration to call out the military.”

We passed another 4 F*&K BIDEN signs in people’s yards.

“Why are there so many Trumpers in this town,” My passenger asked again.

“Because they’re not Trumpers. They’re exercising their First Amendment Right to express themselves. There are more of those signs everyday because more people disagree with the policies of President Biden. Two of the last four signs weren’t there last Thursday.”

“They should be taken down by the police. They’re disrespectful!” My passenger asserted.

“So you’re a communist?” I asked.

“NO! How could you say that?” My passenger demanded.

“Well, you just said criticisms of The Leader were disrespectful and should be confiscated. Isn’t that one of the hallmarks of Communism or Dictatorships?” I asked.

Continuing, I said, “I’ve been thinking, I may have to get one of those signs. I’m extremely displeased with President Biden’s performance too.”

We rode on in silence.

My passenger did have the courtesy to thank me for the ride as they disembarked. I don’t think they’ll be riding with me, or speaking to me, in the future. Of course, since I’m a decent human being, if they were to ask and offered to pay for gas, I’d get them where they wanted to go.

Possibly with a F*&K Biden bumper sticker affixed to my car…