I never saw this coming – To our neighbor Canada


I watched in stunned silence, the events unfolding in Canada.

My heart goes out to the Canadians.

I hope the Canadians don’t change the way they do things.  


Their Parliament building is beautifully open, unlike our public buildings, their buildings don’t have the forbidding feel of an armed camp.

Many years ago, I was in Washington DC and remember vividly that Pennsylvania Avenue was busy.


There were cars, and trucks, and people just going about their business.  I remember standing next to the wrought iron fence and being fascinated to look at the President’s actual house.

I was thrilled to walk up the steps of Congress and to see all the historical and modern buildings unimpeded as is my right as an American citizen.


This was in the years before fear came to rule us.

In the initial images of the Canadian Parliament I was struck by the freedom of access. I remembered the joy I’d felt to live in a free country when I visited my capital all those years ago.

I hope Canada doesn’t succumb to the same fear that has made our seat of government so inhospitable. 


I’ve heard already that; there are people in Canada trying to use the tragedy to increase gun restrictions.

Canadians have obviously given a lot of consideration and thought to balancing the rights of hunters and shooting enthusiasts against the desire to insure public safety. While I may not agree with all the Canadian regulations, I respect, and even admire to some extent, the system you have in place.

Canada, don’t let this single heinous incident cause you to jump to conclusions about anything.


My Friends, you lost your innocence today, and a good man. Remember that another good man put a stop to the insanity before it got much further.

Take time, bury your honored dead, tend to the wounded, and know that you southern neighbors understand, and you’re all in our prayers.

I sincerely hope that you don’t change.

To the Jihadists…

Your day is coming, you’ll not be able to hide, you’ll find no mercy, no rest, no water, no food, no love, nor hate; you’ll be hunted like vermin and die in filth. On the day the last of you has his brains spattered on barren sand, the world will rejoice and you’ll be wiped from the history books like a vile dream.

That is your legacy today, it’s not too late. Beat your weapons into plowshares and the world will help you plant a future.