Happy New Year

Happy New Year

For those of you nursing hangovers, I’ll type quietly. I was sitting here watching my Alien boxed set and woke up well after Midnight.

Wow, what a party animal I am…

For various reasons I didn’t go out. I’d planned to have some champaign to toast the new year. The champaign is still in the fridge, and I’ve been sober as a judge for at least a couple of weeks.

We’re still aimed for the fiscal cliff. I’m actually surprised that the lawmakers didn’t announce an agreement last night. I guess they wanted to increase the drama and excitement.

This year has got to be a better year than last. 

There are a number of things that I need to finish and am rededicating myself to those tasks.

No I don’t have a traditional news years resolution list. Suffice it to say I know what I have to get done and it’s up to me to do it.

I hope that all of you have a safe, productive, and happy year.

I would have said interesting, but the Chinese have a wonderful curse that wishes one to live in interesting times. I didn’t want to start the year out on the wrong foot.

On to a second cup of coffee and then I think I’ll start dismantling the Christmas tree.

I’m more than ready to start a fresh new year.



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