I’m astounded at the venom

I’ve been skimming Twitter.


I am astounded by the nastiness and venomous gloating coming from the gay community. Over the election results.

I thought these people were the “Educated, Liberal segment of our society”. I thought they were the folks who purported themselves to be better than the zealous, mean, rich, conservative religious right.

I expected them to take the high road and “Win” with grace and good sportsmanship.

Apparently, I was completely WRONG!

Yet another reason that so many Bi & Non mainstream Gay men refuse to associate with the Gay community.

It’s not that these men are ashamed of their sexuality… it’s that they’re embarrassed  by the mainstream “GAY” people who so clearly don’t represent them. 

4 More years…

You know, it wasn’t the presidential election that mattered.

Since the makeup of congress didn’t change it wouldn’t have mattered if Romney won.

Had Romney won, the democrats in Congress would have stonewalled anything he tried to do, just as surely as the Republicans have done, and will do to President Obama for the next 4 years.

The President isn’t really the issue.


What is at issue, is that we have a government that is no longer concerned with doing the best for the majority of the people. Things are far too partisan and focused too narrowly on special interests.

I personally think that a 50/50 split between candidates, or propositions is a really BAD sign.

What that says is that neither choice has significant merit and it means that essentially the political process is in neutral.

I remember hearing as a child that you wanted to make sure that you married someone who was not only the same religion as you were, but they should also be the same political party. 

The logic was that if your spouse was a Republican and you were a Democrat, you cancelled out each others votes.

This most recent election is exactly that. 

The future is ours to control, It’ time to re-evaluate the obstructionist behavior in congress. If necessary, we need to recall & replace those individuals that put the agenda of their parties, and lobbyists ahead of the needs of the American people.

We desperately need a government that works for US!