So, am I a man without a country?

I hoped that Trump would remain in office.

Somewhere deep in my core I knew it wouldn’t happen. I can’t blame those who voted for Biden, even though they actually voted for Harris. Biden will be out quicker than you can say communism.

What choice did people have? They’ve heard nothing but how awful Trump is for the past 5 years. They’ve been told in a never ending, mind bending drone what a shitty president he is. Most folks never stop to think, analyze, or question what the news media tells them.

Now any failures of the new regime will be blamed on former president Trump’s policies. The continuing rioting will be blamed on him, (and of course angry conservatives… A.K.A White supremacists even though they’re not.) There is no margin for discussion.

Dissent with the approved narrative will be silenced with even greater zealotry. Social media, their censorship, and the all too willing lapdogs in the main stream media will drown out any opposition.

Biden will raise our taxes, (He said it.) and re-engage the processes that had been eroding our way of life for decades. This isn’t about change, this is about destruction. Reverse racism (which doesn’t exist) will be commonplace. (We’re already seeing that on the streets). I suspect that we’ll be in some form of Middle East combat again. Or their wars and troubles will be visited on our shores.

Well known Media darlings, some senators, and many celebrities have called for retribution against anyone that had the temerity to vote for Trump over a senile old Trojan Horse and potentially 12 years of president Harris who is quite possibly among the most corrupt people in politics today. Incidentally, she couldn’t get more than 5% of the vote in her liberal home state of California.

Due to the blatant illegality seen in this election, it’s obvious that our nation is doomed. The illegality on full display with Hunter Biden’s laptop. The lack of prosecution in the cases of ANTIFA and BLM riots and the tacit approval given those actions by various politicians. All combine to say there is no law and order anymore. Or rather, there isn’t equal law and order.

This leaves me wondering if I even have a country anymore. Is my passport worth anything? Does America even exist?

If I am a man without a country does that mean I’m a refugee? Can I go to Europe, get a job, and live the remainder of my life in peace?

Election Day has come and gone…

Well, not actually gone. 

It’s devolved into what appears to be blatant cheating along with the usual allegations of voter fraud.

Due to the mail in voting, it’s going to be weeks until we have a winner declared and even then, the legal wrangling will likely last for months if not years.

So ultimately, even if the Democrats lose… they’ve still won because they’ve managed to cast a pall of illegitimacy over the President. 

Likewise though, if the Democrats win, they’ve cast the same pall over their candidate. This is the lesson of mutually assured destruction.  Apparently, the Democrats didn’t learn the lesson during the cold war. 

The new Democrats and their ultra progressive allies obviously never learned the lesson and quite frankly are behaving more like Communists, Bolsheviks, or flat out NAZIs than I’ve ever witnessed. 

Frankly, I’m so disgusted I can’t think straight. 

I fear for my county, and I fear for our future. Not because of one President, but because of the cultural shift that’s occurring and this (In my opinion) wrong headed thinking of win at any cost.

Historically the win at any cost philosophy has proven itself to extract a very high price.

Even now, people are questioning law, order, government, and anything official. 

Folks are also demonstrating a surprising willingness to tear down and destroy anyone or anything that they disagree with.

This path is littered with war, poverty, crime, and genocide. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re killing people over religion, color, or politics, people still die and xenophobia in various forms kills more than people. xenophobia kills progress and enlightenment, and gaining of knowledge. Ask Galileo about that.

xenophobia: [noun] fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign.

By that definition, anything strange or foreign could loosely be politics, religion, belief,  or custom.

Is this where we’re headed? Are we careening down a path to wanton destruction on both sides?

I find myself asking if I want to deal with this. I’m old, and tired, all I wanted was to quietly retire, go fishing, or hang out with folks my age, in peace.

If I don’t want to deal with this – insanity, what are the alternatives?