There’s so much that’s just nuts!

My god, the CNN town hall (which I didn’t care to watch,) appears to have had Donald Trump on. Then they CNN, and apparently the rest of the news media are losing their minds over Trump… BEING Trump.

What surprised them about him?

Then we have Anderson Cooper apologizing for having Trump on. And to some extent Anderson Cooper almost seemed to be saying that free speech should be denied Trump specifically.

Then we have MSNBC loading up Al Sharpton to lecture us on all things racist. In Sharpton’s world view, no matter what a white fucker is doing, even if it’s trying to help the black community, it’s always racist unless the white people be putting money in Sharpton’s hand. Trump, according to Sharpton is the Über racist of all racists, Trump is the combination of all the members of the KKK ever and all the members of the Nazi party. It’s easy to understand, Trump weakened Sharpton’s ability to convince Black people they are always oppressed. That’s how Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and BLM make their money.

Then we have the Biden’s growing scandal. Shell companies? Wasn’t that one of the things that the Trump Impeachment(s) and all the subsequent lawsuits have looked into regarding Trump?

How can President Biden expect to not be impeached?

For that matter when the DOJ/FBI is refusing to honor a congressional subpoena something is seriously wrong and we should bring everything to a screeching halt because if we can’t trust the DOJ and / or the executive branch of government then we need to bring our full attention to fixing that.

Then we have the young man in NY who stepped up to subdue someone who was clearly deranged and stated that he was going to kill someone. While terrifying the passengers in a subway car.

Sadly this young man is going to be tried for manslaughter.

The message is clear, if you’re out in public, do not interfere in any criminal behavior. Do not protect your fellow citizens. If there’s a rape happening, or a mugging, or whatever… don’t get involved. If you do, you’ll be charged with a crime. Your life will never be the same and this is doubly true if you happen to be white and the person engaging in criminal activity is black.

So much for progress in eliminating racism.

The young man had to cough up $100,000 in bail. But wait, isn’t New York a Bail Free state? Or does that only apply if you’re not white?

And finally… Title 42 has expired. Title 42 is being touted as one of the last items restraining the illegals trying to get into the country.

I’m not sure that Title 42 was having that function per se, since it was about COVID and diseases in general. I will admit seeing the large numbers of people camped and reading reports of other migrant caravans heading north is concerning. How many uneducated poor people can we absorb? Ellis Island in 62 years of operation processed only 12 million or so. It’s thought that we’ll exceed 12 million in one year.

So now we have… what? Do we have a border at all? Do we have a country? Do we have any privilege of citizenship? I suppose the privilege is to be paying for Illegals, paying for Ukraine, paying for a government that isn’t constrained in its spending at all?

If we don’t have a border, then that sort of says we don’t have a country. If we don’t actually have a country, then why pay federal taxes?

Perhaps we should be paying only state taxes and calling our Governors, Presidents. Perhaps each of the states should be looked at as an individual country. Maybe then we as citizens could force our leaders to listen. California could go full communist and Gavin Newsom could cream his jeans over suddenly being dictator for life.

Texas could secure their border and enforce that security with guns. Then again, if there’s no United States and therefore no money, resources, or free shit to be had, There’s no advantage for immigrants making the trip.

Well, that’s one way to stop illegal immigration.

Racism and Reparations, Oh My!

Over the past 10 days or so I’ve been seeing articles about California paying reparations to black folks.

I was pleased to see that beach front land LA County had stolen from an African American family had finally been returned to the family. There is no excuse for anyone to lose their property, either land, or personal possessions, simply because of the color of their skin. LA County righted a wrong they committed long ago, and it was about damn time. 

There was a time when racism was rampant, horrific, and wrong on its face. The only reason LA County had been able to take this family’s land was because racism was at the time, tacitly approved of and LA County had the power of City Hall and people who could corrupt the law. 

This once again proves the old saying, “You can’t fight City Hall”

Less pleasing is the California Reparations board. If this board was looking for similar instances of injustice as described above. Then I’d be totally on board. The problem is, California Reparation seems to be more about cash payments. Cash payments made from our tax dollars in a state that didn’t have African slavery. 

For me this raises some questions. 

Will California be paying reparations to members of the Native Tribes whose ancestors were in fact enslaved and whose servitude built Churches up and down the state under Spanish or Mexican rule?

Will California pay reparations to the descendants of Irish children taken off the streets of Dublin and sold into slavery in American slave markets right along with slaves from Africa?

How is California going to determine who gets these reparations? Will they use DNA sequencing? Or will the state resort to simply looking at the color of a person’s skin? The former is invasive, the latter is going to automatically exclude groups of people who through no fault of their own might not be dark enough. What about people who may be albino?

There was a time when America had something called the one drop rule. If a person had any ancestor who was African they were considered Black regardless of their appearance. Interestingly, when the NAZIs were trying to come up with a method to single out Jews for extermination, NAZI’s felt that the one drop rule was too extreme. They chose a genealogical method based on a Jewish family member being some number of generations back. Five generations, no problem. Only four generations back? Sorry you’re going to the camps. I wonder what criteria the California Reparations board will use.

Then there was the African American activist who said in print, anything less than $800,000 per person would result in severe consequences. Wow! That sounds more like an old MAFIA protection racket. What severe consequences? Riots, looting, buildings burning? Oh, in other words a typical Wednesday in Los Angeles.

When I read that article, my first thought was how about zero dollars? Your terms are completely acceptable. Burn down your neighborhoods or the entire city. Just realize that your actions have consequences and one of those consequences would likely be that you’ll not have a place to plug in that 75” TV you stole from the Best Buy. You can also look forward to 20 years of no-one investing in businesses or buildings in the neighborhoods you destroy. Y’all might want to loot some tents from the REI or Walmart while you’re at it.

There was another piece reported out of San Francisco about a pilot program where the city leadership was making payments of 1000 a month for two years available to poverty stricken people.

Great! Help those people get their footing and work their way out of poverty.  But reading the fine print, this is only available to African Americans. Apparently poverty is only poverty if you’re the right color. White people living in poverty and squalor is of no concern to the leadership of San Francisco.

San Francisco is also making similar payments available to pregnant poor single women. Again Great! But the fine print again specifies only African American need apply. This particular plan is being implemented in Los Angeles, and other smaller cities throughout the state. 

I’m sorry, but this is racism on its face. Poverty is poverty, pregnant is pregnant, regardless of the color of your skin.

I thought we had laws to prevent discrimination of any kind. 

Clearly I missed a memo on the nuance of racial discrimination. 

Growing up I was taught that any discrimination was bad and not to be tolerated.

Since these days it’s enough to simply identify as a woman to be called and treated like a woman.  I find myself wondering is it enough to identify as African American to be treated like an African American and therefore be eligible for these cash payments? How about if I identified as a black woman and pregnant?

“My baby daddy ran off with some skinny white girl! I need a grand a month to raise this baby!” 

I doubt it would work. 

This kind of thing is how racism is perpetuated.

For years African Americans have protested and in some cases rioted over being treated as less than. Leaders in government have been solicitous and forgiving, they’ve promised to make funding available and bring an end to racism in exchange for votes.

What will those leaders do or say when the shoe is on the other foot? How will they respond to white people protesting and rioting against clearly racist behavior targeted at them?

Or will we have the Southern Poverty Law Center designating impoverished white communities as white supremacist terror cells, then calling for these communities to meet the same fate as Ruby Ridge, or Waco? 

I find that I’m not particularly surprised when I hear white people saying things like, “We need to move someplace where the demographics are more favorable.” Which is nothing more than a polite way of saying, We need to move someplace where there are only white people.

The problem is, if white people were to carve out a couple of states and cede the rest of the country to people of color, that would be called racism. It would never be tolerated and particularly so, if white people built for themselves a nice place. This is not to say white people are more capable than anyone else, but we already have the example suburbia provided. 

At one time moving to the suburbs was called “White Flight”. The cores of cities were given over to people who, at the time,  were legitimately on the wrong side of the racial equation. People of color were ghettoized and then rightfully got angry at being mistreated and forgotten. The common explanation for these ghettos being crime ridden was these folks were desperate, and impoverished.

I suspect that while there was, at the time,  certainly a racial component to white flight, there was something else. White people simply got tired of trying. When it became easier to move to suburbia where everything was new, clean, planned and safe. Places where education was good and crime was largely unheard of, white people chose the path of least resistance.

I’m not afraid of living with people of color, I’m just tired of playing some kind of appeasement game where the goal posts are always in sight but moved at the last minute. I’ve worked with people who are actually from Africa. They have always been kind, hardworking people like myself, with similar values and expectations. On more than one occasion Africans have asked what the hell is up with African Americans? I’ve answered, that I haven’t a clue.

I find myself getting quite tired of trying anymore. I’m sick of being called names. So sick of it that I’ve actually looked into moving to a completely different country. Call it the ultimate white flight.

I’ve also considered getting a job in Antarctica. This would take me out of the USA and put me in a small community where everyone is dependent on each other for survival. I’ve been curious to find out if, in that kind of situation, the whole racism narrative falls apart and people are just people again.

I don’t believe in racism. I think it’s stupid and destructive. That being said, my experiences with people of color in California have taught me that I’m apparently in the minority regardless of race. 

It’s because of these lived experiences that I want to go somewhere and live among people that look just like me. I want to eliminate the racial stuff and if someone who looks just like me commits a crime, they get the same justice as everyone else.

I don’t want to live someplace where I, or anyone else, is favored or punished simply because of the color of their skin or ethnicity. Until ten or fifteen years ago, I thought that was where America was headed. Now I feel like we’ve taken a step 50 years into the past and are in the process of inverting all the rules too.

In my opinion, stepping back in time and inverting the rules is nothing more than revenge. It’s not a step toward equality at all. 

I saw this and my Brain “BlueScreened”

The article located here, and elsewhere on the net, is astounding. I’m not going to bother linking the other articles because they’re all pretty much the same except for their biases. (Some media outlets are implying that it’s okay, others are calling it what it is.)

Image from OutSpoken ( Thank you OutSpoken.

The short version is this;

The Seattle pride festival has now been split into “Pride” where everyone can attend and “Pride for people of color” where white people and their accomplices must pay $10 – $50 to attend. Essentially the POC folks are charging a “Poll Tax” to white folks. How much you pay is apparently some arbitrary bullshit sliding scale that is undefined. Meaning that even mixed couples, if they want to attend together will be charged.

So while LGBTQ Inc. says, “We’re fighting for inclusion,” they’re actually fighting for segregation.

They’re fighting racism… With Racism!

This was the first time this morning my brain “Blue Screened” and rebooted.

Picture this; A mixed couple is on a budget. They get into a fight about the cost (which they can’t plan for because it’s actually unknown.) The non-white member of the couple feels like their white significant other doesn’t value them. The white member of the couple feels like they’ll always be making up for a crime they didn’t commit.

Unless there’s a lot of love and understanding they break up, now you have two people who will think twice about ever dating or loving someone who doesn’t look just like them.

This folks, is how racism is born. It’s not always about hatred.

Sometimes racism is just about coming to the conclusion that it’s easier and more comfortable to not try to bridge the cultural gap. The wider the gap, the less likely someone is to spend the energy, much less weather the vitriol.

Straight relationships are hard to begin with. Mixed straight relationships are harder. Gay relationships are harder still and mixed gay relationships are even harder.

(Note: I use the term “Gay” in its antiquated all inclusive term meaning all homosexuals. I don’t have the time or inclination to create a truth table delineating all the permutations and combinations possible. If you’re offended… Well, Kiss my ass!)

What made this article bubble to the top of my awareness was this line.

“White allies and accomplices are welcome to attend but will be charged a $10 to $50 reparations fee that will be used to keep this event free of cost for BLACK AND BROWN Trans and Queer COMMUNITY,”

Accomplices? The reparations thing is complete and utter parasitic bullshit. I discarded it from my processing. Accomplices though caught my attention. Accomplices in what exactly? That word is commonly used in the description of criminal behavior. To what crime exactly are these jackasses referring?

I sure as hell don’t know. Especially since the gay community that I remember fondly was welcoming of everyone.

At the time, the gay movement couldn’t afford to be divisive or exclusionary because there were so few places where gay folks could be gay with other gay people, without repercussions.

Fire Island, Palm Springs, San Francisco, Laguna Beach, Atlanta, Key West. Those were pretty much it. To be sure there were bars in almost every city, sometimes only one, but if you wanted to be completely and unabashedly gay 24/7 these were the options.

Back then gay wasn’t cool. It was a fact, and it came with risk.

Now with general acceptance, has come a lot more gay-ish people. I’ve always thought sexuality was more of a continuum rather than binary. That theory appears to be mostly true.

Back in the day, a gay guy offering a “Straight” guy a blowjob had odds better than 50/50 of getting to suck dick. That was always true. These days, with greater acceptance the odds are probably better, though I haven’t tested the theory.

Apparently, since more people are embracing being gay-ish they’re bringing with them all the other divisive political baggage, which is simultaneously fracturing… No, destroying, what was once a fun, safe, coherent, vibrant, community.

Ironically, in my opinion, while celebrating “Pride” LGBTQxyz Inc. has trashed the pride the community once had in itself.

This Seattle event just underscores how low things have gone.

Blatant racism being allowed in the gay community? Who could ever have seen that coming?

Second time this morning my brain “Blue Screened” and rebooted.

“Pride” month has become more an embarrassment, or humiliation, than the celebration of freedom and joy that it once was.

People are fickle, at some point when the community is in complete disarray, unable to fend for itself, bias and prejudice will return.

I’d point you to Berlin pre-Hitler.

Berlin had vibrant Gay presence. Art, Entertainment, Fashion, you name it. Even members of the early Nazi party, and Hitler’s inner circle, were Gay.

That all changed… Suddenly and without warning.

Believe me, it can happen again just as quickly.

Gay folks, better clean the closets. Cause I suspect even the Gay-ish are going to be heading back in, real soon.