This is an Ooops… Not an international incident

I saw this on Joe my gods, blog. The outraged leftist comments on Joes blog prompted me to write this..

Marines have been videoed apparently urinating on dead Taliban 

I’ve got a couple of things to say about this.

Yeah, it was wrong.

Devil Dogs, I totally love you. Please, y’all need to remember that every moron has a camera up their ass these days. Be more careful in the future. What ain’t seen on TV… didn’t happen…

This doesn’t diminish that it’s kinda bad to disrespect the dead, if for no other reason than as Americans we’re supposed to have higher standards of behavior. Remember guys, Lead By Example.

On the other hand… I totally get it.

2 minutes before…. those Taliban fucks were spraying and praying. They were aiming AK-47s and whatever else they could at you and tying to kill you.

You guys put the fuckers down and did your job. You took it a little personal that those Taliban guys wanted your heads on their walls and you responded personally by pissing on ’em.

Here’s where I’m going to get into trouble with my liberal politically correct friends.


I’m so sick and tired of the liberal assholes in our country acting like our military is some kind of evil super criminal.

Lest we forget… 

(I’m not even going to mention the terrorist acts committed worldwide by
Taliban and Al Qaeda operatives. I’m not going to mention that the Taliban and Al Qaeda would happily rape a girl or young woman then Stone her to death for having been raped. Or that torture and slavery are completely fine with the Taliban and Al Qaeda… As long as they’re not on the receiving end… Nope won’t mention it at all.)

I will remind you all that these Taliban and Al Qaeda fucks have desecrated our dead repeatedly and in far more gruesome ways than pissing on the bodies. 

Our soldiers bodies have been dragged naked through the streets of (Insert name of Middle Eastern Shithole here.) decapitated and the separate body parts rigged to explode.  If the Taliban and Al Qaeda kill off American recovery teams by blowing up the bodies of fallen Americans it’s the joyous will of Allah. 

Good men and women have been defiled in any number of ways before and after, being killed by devout “peace loving” Taliban and Al Qaeda “Soldiers of God” 

Don’t forget the young man who Had His Head Sawed off… not chopped, SAWED off LIVE for the benefit of Al Jezeera video. “Slow Decapitation of a live American sent to help rebuild Iraq… Be sure to tune in at 6 and make sure the children are watching. Allah be praised.” (I know I won’t forget. After that, I had and will never have mercy for anyone in the Middle East.)  

How about a good solid reporter also beheaded because he wanted to make sure that the American Public had a first hand account of what our troops were doing at our behest. 

What about our soldiers burned and hanging from bridges in Baghdad 

FUCK the Taliban and Al Qaeda! Fuck those motherfuckers, anyone who supports them, and the camels they rode in on.

Those sons of bitches, should be thanking Allah every day that we haven’t given them nuclear power… Pointy end first that is.

My question is this…

Why does it seem that American Media invariable spins stories against our military?

I am a major prick — Again!

The Other Half comes home last night.

It’s very late. It was after midnight in fact.

The OH was all spun up over some musical conference thing they’d been involved with over the past week.

Mind you I don’t know shit about ancient music, exotic instruments, or ethnic music beyond a bit of Afro-Celt Sound System and perhaps some experimental albums I’ve heard.

What I was doing was watching an interview featuring Charlize Theron that was very interesting. I had in fact stayed up very late to watch this interview. I was also blogging at the same time.

Of course the OH had no idea about this having been gone all day. Or that I was irritated over the ispq silliness.

Or that the satellite box had 10 minutes before the interview show started, changed channels to some Top Model reality rerun and then refused all commands from the remote or front panel. (Had to pull the plug 3 times and the smart card once to get the stupid thing working properly)

I missed the first few minutes of the show but had happily settled in to watch what remained and was trying to follow the twitter feed live too.

My multitasking was at it’s limit when the OH blustered in and started expounding how wonderful the concert with <static> was and how beautiful the <static> was and what wonderful time they had in their jam session playing the <static> and <static><static><static><static><static><static> more <static>

In fairness to me, I did point out that I had no idea what we were talking about several times. I don’t have the lexicon to speak about music at that level and since I had no context I was clueless.

The OH wasn’t listening and wasn’t paying attention.  I realized I wasn’t going to be able to keep up with what I was doing and at the same time be a courteous listener.

So I closed the lid on my laptop and gave the OH my full attention.

What I FAILED to do was slide the mask over my features that disguised my annoyance.

Of course the laptop closing also closed the conversation. Now I’ve hurt the OHs feelings.

I felt terrible, and tired, and just gave up then went to bed in the spare room.

No redemption I was a prick.

I guess I’m better at reading body language. My employment is technical and complicated, on the rare occasion that I discuss my work, if I see someone glazing over I stop and try to move the conversation back to common ground.

The OH has never developed that observation or conversational ability.

But I should be kinder, gentler and mindful that the joy in ones work is important and sharing it with someone you care about is part of having a good relationship.

I’ll do better…

And yet again … I’m a Prick!

Well I had my semi annual blow up about the piles of shit stacking up around here.

I don’t say anything and it gets worse.

I do say something and there are hurt feelings… and it gets worse.

I blow a gasket and then there are really hurt feelings. I say shit that I probably mean but really shouldn’t say out loud and the hurt feelings get worse.

Then I start cleaning up the piles O’ shit. And suddenly the creator of the piles is far more interested in dealing with them.

From my perspective I shouldn’t have to blow the gasket in the first place. It’s WELL FUCKING known that I detest the piles of crap everywhere. However that doesn’t stop their creation.

Even now, I see piles “that need to be sorted through” sitting on the counter. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that If I said nothing. SIX FUCKING MONTHS later those “important” papers will be covered in dust still unsorted.

I know I’ll keep pushing. It’s my nature I can’t stop. At least until the counter is clean for a couple of days. It becomes a test of will and in this situation It’s like my will is fueled by the non-compliance.

I’m thinking about it and I’m trying to not keep pushing.

I just don’t know what the hell the best solution is. I can’t be silent and yet I don’t want to deal with the sulking or hurt feelings either.