I hope you’re paying attention…

Since the Colorado Court decision there’ve been some interesting comments and analysis from people much smarter than me.

Most of these folks, Democrat and Republican are speaking out against the Colorado decision because on it’s face it violates due process (Trump hasn’t been charged with insurrection in any court, so how can the Colorado supreme court essentially say he’s guilty of something for which he’s not been charged or tried?) 

I’m pleased to see many of our politicians, from both sides of the aisle and presidential candidates taking issue with the Colorado decision. These people at least have the sense to understand how dangerous to our Republic this decision is, if allowed to stand.

Thus far no-one appears to be calling for the Colorado Supreme Court to resign and be replaced with justices who at least follow the law. I don’t know what’s involved in replacing a state Supreme Court, but that process should be initiated immediately. I know at this point I wouldn’t want to get a parking ticket in Colorado because I very much question if the law is obeyed in the state. Would I be sentenced to death when I signed the ticket? 

Our current President demonstrated the level of his incompetence by saying publicly yesterday that Trump was guilty of insurrection when he said;

“It’s self-evident. You saw it all. Now whether the 14th Amendment applies, I’ll let the court make that decision,” the president said during a trip to Wisconsin. “But he (Trump) certainly supported an insurrection. No question about it. None. Zero.”

In my mind this underscores that Biden is unfit for the Presidency and always has been. He may well have been unfit for the whole time he was in congress if this statement is indicative of his legal scholarship. There’s also a certain level of irony in his statement because currently, He and his son are enjoying the protections of due process.

I rather suspect that if it were put to a vote today. The American people would vote that He, Hunter, and to some extent the rest of his family are guilty of graft and corruption. Were it not for the protections of due process, he and his family might all be in prison already. 

The Colorado decision does provide one ray of light in an otherwise dark situation.

It allows the American people to see exactly which members of The House and Senate need to be kicked to the curb. 

Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) could be forgiven for defending the Colorado ruling since he’s Biden’s Campaign Co-Chair.

Since he’s also a sitting US Senator. I think he needs to be replaced in the Senate. Perhaps he’d be better just running campaigns.

He’s not the only Congressperson who has failed to see the problem. The usual list of authoritarians, gleeful at Trump being “Silenced” in Colorado completely fail to see that their names can as easily be removed from ballots using the same amendment and subsection, without due process. 

One could argue that AOC provided aid and comfort to BLM during the summer of “Love”.  Was BLM engaged in an insurrection against the legitimate government(s) of various states? Does AOC bailing people out of jail meet the test of aid and comfort?

Ilhan Omar has been accused of 2 counts? Of immigration fraud? She also has been accused of financial abuses and at the same time provided financial support to CAIR who has been connected to terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East. She’s done all this during the 20 years we spent in Afghanistan fighting terrorist organizations. Does this meet the standard for aid and comfort, or acting against the interests of the United States? 

Rashida Tlaib vociferously supports Hamas. A U.S. designated terrorist group currently in conflict with one of our closest allies, does this meet the standard?  She has supported this terrorist organization for years and most recently used her position in congress to endorse Pro-Palestinian, Pro-Hamas protests ultimately leading to the occupation of the U.S. Capital and interference in congressional business.

The Colorado ruling with its  leap to essentially a guilty verdict for Donald Trump on charges of insurrection which have never been filed in any jurisdiction in the country, would seem to allow similar presumptions of guilt and demands for removal from office of members of “The Squad” for their seditious activities. 

I submit that any House Representative, or Senate Member that applauds and approves of the Colorado ruling is not fit for office and should be voted out by their constituents.

Or… We can simply presume they’re guilty of something and remove them from the ballots of their states and perhaps even their congressional posts. We could imprison them all right next to the Jan 6th insurrectionists still awaiting trial after almost 3 years.

Now there’s a happy thought!

Hey you Colorado Folks, you no longer have the burden of voting!

You’re Welcome!!!!

Now you don’t have to read any pesky voter pamphlets. You don’t have to agonize over your vote, or who’s running for whatever office.

You’re free of the burden of responsibility.

From here on out you’ll never risk being like Florida when it comes to counting votes. In fact, the approved candidate will “Win” Colorado within minutes of the polls opening. 

If you’re only allowed to vote for one candidate it greatly simplifies things doesn’t it?

You’re all such “Good Little communists” you’ll be well rewarded.

Colorado… The first American Communist state. Praise Jesus!

Wait, who are you guys? Why are you taking me? I was extolling the virtues of the party… Oh come on, I’m being arrested for saying Jesus? And I’m white? No you’re wrong, I’m 1/16th black on my mothers side. No! I’m not resisting arrest.. Prison? What for? Won’t someone help me?

Colorado… Has been added to the states that I will not consider living in. I may visit once more for a wedding, but after that… Nope!

I’m waiting to see what California does… You know California is going to try to outdo Colorado. I don’t know what California will do but I’m sure it’ll be a complete subversion of what the majority of us older folks believe America is / was about. 

Perhaps, California will handle it by simply arresting Donald Trump and his staff when they land for a campaign stop. That would one-up Colorado. Especially if they reactivated Alcatraz. That would show Trump!

At this point I fully expect California will “Forget” to print Republican mail in ballots, but they’ll make sure that Democrat mail in ballots are printed and mailed out at least 6 weeks early.

Not that it matters in California, the Republicans are such a minority here, they couldn’t fill a sports stadium.

In that regard California has already bested Colorado. There’s no real need to count votes here. Pick any liberal money spending scheme, or any democrat candidate. Whatever is the absolute worst for the people, budget, or state and they / it  automatically wins.

My take on the Biden Christmas uh, whatever it was.

The Biden White House Christmas … uh … thing… Whatever it was has been soundly thumped in the conservative news outlets.

The liberal news outlets seem to like it. That split is typical, so nothing new. Liberals hated Melania’s red trees. Conservatives tried to see the best.

After watching 2-3 years of various Biden holidays. I’ve come to the conclusion that the Biden’s are pretty classless.

In my family, they’d be the tacky distant relatives that you didn’t visit, or who might have been visited once in 20 years.

More money doesn’t make a classless person, classier, it just magnifies the classless behavior and poor taste.

This latest Christmas thing at the White House is tacky. I don’t care about the politics of the dance troupe or the individual dancers. I didn’t care for the costuming, or the actual dance, the entire production looked rushed and didn’t appear to fit the space. 

Some of the set pieces reminded me of Shopping Mall decorations from the 1980’s. You know, before Christmas decorations became offensive to small but vocal buzzkill groups.

It felt like Jill decided one morning, “I think I’ll have dancers” then called a dance troupe and said, “Be here at 3 this afternoon to perform.”

That’s the kind of thing a newly wealthy entitled woman would do. Especially if she had delusions of Queenhood. Thinking back on all of the Biden holiday events they’ve seemed poorly planed and executed.

They smack of poor folks from the holler getting an insurance payoff when uncle Cleatus got hit by a car. Suddenly they’ve got some money and they can make their dreams come true.

That’s when you see some of the tackiest shit you’d ever imagine. Neighbors will drive miles out of their way to see what new car or truck is up on blocks in the front yard next to the outhouse and shiny new 25 foot diameter satellite dish. There’d really be talk when uncle Cleatus’s family, had their new trailer repossessed after 6 months & had to move back into the old one. Parking would be easier with only one trailer on the lot.

It’s weird but I could easily see the Biden’s in a shabby trailer with a convertible in the yard on blocks. I could see Jill with her hair wrapped around beer cans, wearing $200 fake nails waiting on the welfare check. I could see Joe in a wife beater drooling on himself sleeping on the front porch, and Hunter passed out face down & naked in the drainage ditch.

None of it would strike me as odd or out of place.  That’s just the way they come across to me.

The sad thing is, the rest of the world may see the Biden’s in the same way. 

The other strange thing, (at least to me,) is that I’ve known very poor folks who lived in trailers. (Some were my family.) But they weren’t trashy like the Biden’s are. Sure they were poor, but their humble home was clean and well kept. 

Just because you’re poor doesn’t mean you’re trash, conversely, just because you’ve got money doesn’t mean you’re not trash.

My recommendation for Jill’s next Christmas in the White House, after the obligatory, “Bless your heart”…

Jill, hire some professionals to do the decorations. You’re maybe qualified to choose a theme, but after that leave it in the hands of people who know what they’re doing.

Go traditional. More Norman Rockwell. Less Las Vegas C-level off the strip showgirls.