Just noticed…

It’s been weeks since I paid any attention to the news. I think I’m better off.

I’m completely disconnected from the annoyances, and irritations that flood into our homes via the media. I haven’t even read a newspaper online.

I have been dealing with my own drama, and I suppose that’s the good news and bad news.  If I’d been paying attention to the antics of the politicians, I’d have been really, really, cross. As it was, the stresses of my life were more than sufficient to keep me occupied.

So now I find myself wondering what’s been going on, and simultaneously I’m afraid to look.

There’s a strange comfort knowing that if the end is going to happen, it will be a complete surprise to me!

Perhaps, this simply proves that old adage…

Ignorance is Bliss

The question now for me is, do I choose to remain in Bliss?