Happy Birthday Devil Dogs!

Usmc day


I have a soft spot for Marines. I was never in the military, but when most of your friends (serving and not) are Marines you really can’t avoid it. You also tend to remember certain events. 

My Calendar has a list of notable events; Achievements in Space Travel, beginnings and endings of wars, Presidential addresses that made a difference by reverberating down through history, notable historical events, and even infamous events.

Each year, when the Marine Corps birthday rolls around, I always smile and find that I’m in a pretty good place.

It’s the same feeling you get when you remember a dear friend’s birthday. 

At this stage in my life, more of my Marine friends have passed from this world, than remain.

Knowing that The Corps is marching on and has another year under its collective belt gives me comfort and an odd sense of stability.

I find myself adding appreciation for the sense of stability, to the long list of things I thank the USMC for. 

To the Marines who will be celebrating today;

Party Hard, Be Safe, Be Smart, and bottoms up.

Happy Birthday Old Friend

I’ll be raising a glass to you later tonight.

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