You read it here first!


Slightly over a year ago, I wrote a blog piece explaining that Adobe was going to a subscription model, and why I personally was uncomfortable with that model.

You can read the original piece here.

Yesterday, Adobe’s cloud blew up.

I was blissfully unaware because I have only local copies of Creative Suite and Lightroom. I haven’t signed up for the subscription services and don’t use Adobe’s Cloud.

The chatter on the net was that lots of people couldn’t work because the Adobe Cloud service couldn’t log them in. This single point of failure, resulted in their software being disabled.

I never anticipated that as a failure mechanism. I honestly expected a failure to occur with the download of the application or it’s updates.

In the original piece I did question what happened when the application “Phoned Home”

Does the software degrade? Or does the software continue to work until the next time it phones the mother ship then self destruct?

I’ve got my answer. Without verification, the software stops working altogether. NICE!

I’m glad I didn’t drink the kool-aid. I’ll hang onto my local copies of Creative Suite and never connect any of the programs contained therein to Adobe’s Cloud.

I’m very content having software that works because my license key is local.

I do wonder if it’s time for me to start looking hard at other alternatives to Adobe.

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