Don’t know what to think…


The BLM sending guys to a ranch with guns?

Tasering a guy? Tossing a woman to the ground? Establishing a “Free Speech zone?” REALLY? Are you fucking kidding me?

Supposedly all this over a tortoise?

Additional information being reported that the BLM has shot & killed more of the tortoises than cattle ever trampled?


The ranchers family has been in the same place, grazing the same land for over a hundred years?

Other stories being reported about the BLM tossing two Shoshone women off their land for having a few horses, goats, and cows. The women in question were supposed to be subsistence level farmers and had nothing other than their home and animals.

NewImageAnother rancher who died mysteriously after winning a law suit against the BLM when they tried to force him off his land? The rancher was quoted as saying “The BLM will never let me spend that settlement.”

His death followed his wife’s mysterious death in a single car accident on a desert road near their home.


These are the kinds of stories we’d expect to hear coming out of The old Soviet Union, but these are stories from America.

We have examples like Ruby Ridge, and Waco where all may not be as was reported and our Government may have over stepped constitutional boundaries.

Oh let’s not forget Wounded Knee 


Native Americans look at the government with considerable suspicion and they’re justified in doing so. How many treaties were broken?

How many times did our Government take back land because the powers in that government wanted what was under the land?

Based on history, I find myself asking what is it the BLM really wants and why do they want it? 

Reports have surfaced implying Senator Harry Reid is somehow involved. I dismissed those reports until Senator Reid made the statement “It’s not over” regarding the Bundy ranch.


If he’s not involved why make the comment? Surely a Senate Majority Leader has better things to do with his time, unless he had a personal interest in the outcome the the range war between the Bundy’s and the BLM.

As I’ve read the material becoming available online ( and I admit readily that digital data is not reliable ) I’ve come to see that the BLM may in fact have prior claim.

The land in question was aquired via the Treaty of the Guadalupe Hildalgo. However the Bundy family has been grazing on the land in question since the 1880s. 

Who has rights to what is something that the courts have decided or will decide.


I’m a lot more concerned about the force shown by the government and their apparent willingness to use that force without hesitation.

I’m concerned about the slow response of the media to the escalating confrontation.