I’m over being in the middle of a construction zone

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I’m tired of being trapped in the house.

I’m tired of the house shaking and the dust.

I’m over the constant growling and “Beep”,  “Beep”,  “Beep”,  “Beep”, “Beep”, “Beep”,  “Beep” of the trucks, steam shovels, and bulldozers.

I’m sick of all of this and I swear to you I think this is all because some people in the town council were inconvenienced one summer by the road washing out. So they whined at the county and sentenced ALL of us on the “low rent side of town” to having our summer, our fall, and now the holidays disrupted.

After all why should they care? This construction isn’t in their back yards. Well you bastards… it IS in my back yard, literally!

I’ve given up straightening the pictures on the walls. I’m spending a large portion of my day comforting the dogs who freak out when the house shakes like we’re having a 2.0 or better earthquakes.

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And then there’s the pure annoyance factor!

I didn’t move 80 miles OUT of the big cities of LA and Orange counties so that my house could be smack in the center of a construction zone.

They said they’d be done by Thanksgiving…

It’s damn near Christmas and they’re showing no signs of being near done.

6 days a week, 10 hours a day. Dawn to dark, they’re not even leaving enough time to walk the dogs (or myself).

This is really starting to get to me! I keep thinking it might be more quiet in a one hour hotel room with a crack den next door in the middle of Hollywood.

Plus the fact that these guys have no clue about how to deal with snow or ice. Hint: Clear the snow off the road before you drive 20 ton trucks on it. Then you won’t need the thing that looks like a blowtorch to melt the compressed ice so that your trucks can keep going without slipping.

We won’t even talk about the damage done to the road.

You know, the road that residents ponied up the cash to install, the one the county demands use of, but will not maintain, repair, or send a snow plow up?

Yeah, that road!

All the damage is new and caused by these folks driving vehicles they know are too heavy up and down in front of my house.

Yeah, I’m sick of all this crap!

I wake up every single day and wonder if this is that day I list this house for sale and leave!

This shit has completely destroyed the quality of life up here.

Saturday and today are the worst in a long time.

It’s hard to concentrate. You can’t watch TV or a movie because the noise is so loud you have to have the sound so high it’s uncomfortable just to hear a show over the noise outside.

Try doing a telephone job interview!

It sounds like you’re homeless, living on the streets because you can’t find a quiet place ANYWHERE in your own home to have a conversation.

I understand now why people snap!

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