I fucking HATE drama!

NewImageI’ve got a very sick dog, He’s probably dying. That’s stressful enough. 

Then this neighbor who asks the same fucking question the same fucking way every fucking time I see him, “How are the dogs?” 8 Years!!!! Same Bullshit question 8 years of the same conversation that always ends where he says “They’re good dogs” but hasn’t heard anything I said.

Well this guy, wasn’t satisfied with my answer when I said the dogs are fine… interrupting the rest of my reply arguing “I thought the one was dyyyyyyyyiiiiiiinnnnnnng” in an annoyingly whiney voice that is like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Then he got mad at me because I stopped talking after he interrupted me. Then I’m being ranted at where he’s saying “FINE I won’t ask again!

First of all I don’t understand why I’m being ranted at, and second of all I don’t have to fucking take it.


I am so tired of people getting pissed off at me for no god-damed reason. If you fucking interrupt my reply to you obviously don’t want to hear the answer nor do you want me to think about what I’m going to tell you.

I’m sick to death of being on the receiving end of someone else’s bullshit.

You know, I try to be a good guy, I try to be reasonable, and I try really hard to see the other persons point of view. I’m starting to wonder if that’s the problem… Maybe I should just stop trying.

I just want to be able to live my life. 

Increasingly I’m beginning to wonder if  my ability to do that is, at minimum not in this town. At maximum it’s not in this state.