Funny, no matter how many times I re-read I always find a typo


I do re-read these posts.

In fact I usually re-read them several times. 


I’m simply not that good at re-reading stuff that I’ve written. This is especially true if I’m cranky.

So I offer my apologies to you, for poor punctuation, horrific sentence construction, spelling errors and all manner of linguistic gaffes that you have endured.

I promise I’ll do my best to hold the line against “text speak”

This apology was inspired by reading a comment on a New York Times article about “Preppers” in New York.

On the one side… the human mind is an amazing machine capable of gleaning meaning from all but the most unintelligible writing. On the other side in another 20 years we’ll all be speaking “City Speak” from Bladerunner.

Have a great day…

I’m going to get some stuff done and then go enjoy the sun on the snow.

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