And in the last few days before the election…

I’m turning my radio & Television OFF!

The incessant vicious ads and mudslinging have reached a fever pitch and I can’t take it anymore.

I’m with Abigael Evans,  the 4 year old who got an apology from NPR.

I wholeheartedly agree that it’s just gotten to be way too much.

If I see another 10 minute string of proposition commercials punctuated by sniping senate & congressional hopefuls… I swear I’ll just not bother to vote at all.

Grow up people, present your case be civil to each other and hopefully we’ll make the best decision.

At the very least you’ll be examples of how differences should be resolved, instead of demonstrating to young people that name calling and bullying are the way to get what you want.

I’m almost to the place where I thinking we should just choose our politicians randomly from the population. At least then, the PACS and businesses wouldn’t know who to hand the money to.

It would be a damn sight easier to figure out WHO was taking what money from whom.

I think we ALL deserve an apology for the nastiness we’ve seen in this election season.

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