It’s been a month since I killed Facebook

Honestly I don’t miss it at all.

I’m finding myself shutting down or simply ignoring other social media sites where I used to be very active.


I’m not missing those sites either.

What does that say?

That perhaps I prefer the company of real people instead of the infamous “Hi”?

I’ve written about the annoyance of “Hi” elsewhere in this blog.

Perhaps the quality of the conversation isn’t nearly as stimulating over chat, email, instant messages as having to defend my position IN PERSON.

You will notice that I have an iSpQ badge to the left…. Hey, video chat and perhaps even a nasty video chat is still fun! I’m not doing social media but I still like to be an exhibitionist!

Today I closed or severely minimized all the rest of my social media accounts.

I guess I’m just flat out over it.

Talk about a time suck! Then there was the whole bullshit thing about people wanting to meet and be friends. Yeah, RIGHT!!!!

I guess I got sick of being jerked around feeling like I was somehow obligated to answer people that I really don’t know and who despite my best efforts I wasn’t likely to meet.

Perhaps, I’m a little depressed about the fact that I’ve been making a good faith effort to reach out using the tools at hand to make healthy friendships. But in reality… I’ve come to believe that you’re better off planting your ass on a barstool in your local sports bar. Than trying to get anyone to actually meet somewhere… even if the meeting place is a sports bar.

I’ve also noticed that I’m really sensitive to comments made after news articles and I even burned someone down on an Apple discussion group the other day.

This person had previously in the thread corrected other peoples spelling… and been generally an asshole, then they replied specifically to me about a little piece I’d written.  I posted the piece intending to help the discussion group get around an issue in some software.

I simply wasn’t in the mood to deal with this persons snippy ass comment or the fact that they’re obviously still under the delusion that Apple can do no wrong. So… Flame ON!

I don’t typically read the comments after any news article. The rampant moronism displayed in such comments is actually painful to read.

I’m recognizing elements of cabin fever and depression. Neither of which is helped by being stood up for simple things like coffee or having demands placed on me by trying to keep the conversation going over social media.

So I’m disconnecting from those sources of annoyance. I’ve been thinking that perhaps I’d be better off going to a Starbucks with my computer and trying to write in a new environment. 

I will keep on blogging…