Finally! I’m getting to actually do some writing…

Lately, It’s been impossible to actually get to write. It seem like I’ve been running form one crisis to another without getting a chance to breathe.

It’s the end of the week and I’m finally in a quiet place without anything on the agenda. My RAID array is rebuilding after the loss of one disk drive and it’s proving a good excuse to hang around the house.

The RAID doesn’t need me at all to complete it’s task, but it’s a great excuses for those folks that take time out of my day.

In the past week I’ve rebuilt a computer twice. Installed a new system. Installed 2 printers and helped on a 3rd, packed one printer up so that it could be returned to the factory. Not to mention having my RAID go down and updating the hell out of a netbook.

I’m beginning to feel like an IT department… Now if I could only get paid like an IT department, Oh Wait! aren’t those mostly paid in rupees these days? Humm maybe I should start answering the phone in a heavy accent… It’s a thought.

Today is mine… I’ve got some nice tunes going, a hot steamy cup of coffee and just a few phone calls to make.

Now to get back to my writing project…