Whooo Hooooo!

It’s probably counterintuitive but I actually got my notice. So the light at the end of the tunnel is not an oncoming train!

No more stupid furlough, I’ll be able to turn in my company equipment and process out and since they’re finally laying me off I get to keep unemployment benefits.

I know it makes no sense….

Once I’m free and clear of the paperwork and all the other silliness I’m thinking I’ll write a nice long blog posting just to get all the frustration out of my system.

Now, at least I know what’s happening and can chart a direction that doesn’t screw me.

Of course given the history of the management I’ve been dealing with, it could all change tomorrow!

For today though I’m a fat happy camper. Only question to ask is, what do I want to do now for a career?

I’ll think about that tomorrow.

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