I love my God Son

I wasn’t planning on blogging today… well not entirely true. I did blog today it’s just that I wasn’t pleased with what I’d written and thought I’d take a breather.

Then I had an encounter with my Godson.

My Godson is just on the cusp of manhood. He’s above the age of being responsible for himself and being able to kill the enemies of our nation, but below the drinking age. (I’ve never been able to figure that one out.)

My Godson picked me, it wasn’t like I held his squalling, squirming, ass at his christening or anything. He simply announced one day about a year or two ago that he considered me his Godfather. I couldn’t back away from that kind of honor, so I owned it.

As the relationship has developed and deepened I’ve come to realize that I really love him very dearly as if he was my own child.

The first time he asked my advice about something. I actually got misty eyed.

I’ve also figured out that when he asks me questions he’s not necessarily taking my word as law, gospel or doing anything except testing and building his own thoughts and opinions based on the answers and opinions of several different people.

He’s a smart cookie. And I’m very proud of him, and our relationship.

Recently, he took me back to a subject that I hadn’t really thought about for a while.

I found myself saying to him;

“Manhood isn’t about sex, any idiot can put his dick in someone. Any moron can make a baby. Manhood is about accepting responsibility for your actions. It’s about doing the RIGHT thing even if it’s not the EASY thing. It’s about taking your lumps when you fuck up. It’s about honor, respect and duty. Men don’t demand respect, men earn respect.”

Then I was misty eyed again.

I explained that some of those words were from a very close friend of mine. Even though that friend is dead, his voice lives on through me.

As I sat to write this, I realized that in fact part of that statement is from my Father,  part is from John, and part is from me.

My Father and John were two “Men”.

I carry no pictures in my wallet. But I do carry their dog tags.

It’s my way of remembering these two men who left indelible marks on my life.

I’m hoping that I can leave as positive an impression on my Godson.

I hope that some day he’s describing manhood to his Son or Sons, adding his Fathers view and his own personal view, and that he gets misty eyed when he remembers he got some of his beliefs from me.

Right now, he’s at that age where he Knows the right thing. He just needs an occasional nudge to remind him that he Knows.

I’m very proud to sometimes be the one that gets to nudge him.

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