Opening Volley

First of all let me get a couple of things straight right up front.

I’m not necessarily a racist.(I could be one but try very hard not to be.) Yes I’m a white male… in some circles that pretty much means that I’m a racist by default.

I’m an adult, this is an adult oriented blog. I consider human sexuality a continuum, not necessarily black or white and as such will discuss sexuality and sexual concepts from time to time. This can include activities between two consenting adults regardless of their genders.

I’m not really political. Well I wasn’t… As time has gone on I’m finding that I disagree more and more with the establishment. This means that I may well skewer a scared cow or two. I mean no overt offense but it’s possible you’re going to be offended.

If you don’t like what you read here, then sorry. I’m not going away but YOU CAN. As in all other things in life if you don’t like the message… change the channel, or turn off the computer and go outside. Play with your kids. Those are YOUR options and your rights exercise them!

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